Thursday, August 24, 2017


                                                       PINEHILL CROSS CRUNCHY

BREAKING NEWS, myself along with several other year six boys have just recently ran most tiring run around the field, and 2 hole laps around the school and yes if your wondering... it was exhausting.

This cross crunchy was one of the hardest cross crunchy races I have ever done and I think a lot of other boys would agree with me. but most of them also agree that it was the most relieving one because for everyone who is in year six... well its there last year of pinehill school. and at some of there intermediates it is an option to do there cross crunchy or fun run if they are going to north cross.

WELL NOW! how about we get back to the so called BREAKING NEWS! now were was I... oh yeah this cross crunchy race consisted of 1 lap of the field and 2 around the hole school for all those year 6 students.

Now that I have told you some of the basic facts lets get a bit more detailed in the sense of what it... smelled, looked, and felt like both emotionally and physically.

If you really what to know what I felt like then I will tell you. firstly I had jelly legs which isn't a very pleasant feeling as well as having butterflies which effects you both emotionally and physically

But these didn't last long for when I heard the loud hooter go off... beep those feelings and emotions were gone and all I could think about was the staining smell of grubby mud and how I couldn't taste anything over the shock of the hooter making its last sound of the year.


in this piece of writing i feel what I did best was using descriptive vocab and writing more discriptivly on the five senses.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

MY most important piece of maths this week

MY most important piece of maths this week...
is multiplying decimals by 10, 100, 1000
I knew how to do this before but I had forgotten how to.
so i asked Mrs Seth for help and she gladly said that i should use a calculator for two of the questions to remind me. so I did and one i had finished I started the activity again just so I could have some more practice.

an example of multiplying by 10:
7.5 x 10 =75

an example of multiplying by 100:
0.258 x 100 =23.8

an example of multiplying by 1000:
0.1987 x 1000 =198.7